Connect With your Guides, Angels, & Ascended Masters in this breakthrough online training

Make your dreams come true with the help of higher realms!


James Van Praagh is considered a spiritual pioneer and one of the world’s most celebrated and respected spiritual teachers working today.

During his 30 year career, his reputation and profession have seen him work with international heads of state, religious world leaders, and known entertainment celebrities including Cher, Goldie Hawn, Shirley Maclaine, Ellen DeGeneres, Joan Rivers, Katie Couric, Loretta Lynn, Chelsea Handler, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Wesley Snipes, and more.

His work has brought spiritual insights to millions with his numerous guest appearances on such shows as Oprah, Dr. Phil, Larry King Live, The View, The Today Show, Chelsea Lately, and more. He is also the #1 New York Times best-selling author of Talking To Heaven, Healing Grief, Ghosts Among Us, Adventures of the Soul, and so many more.

Van Praagh has changed people’s lives… it’s impossible not to be moved.
~ Newsweek


In this preeminent course, I draw from my 30 plus years spent working with the higher realms and teach you how to get crystal CLEAR GUIDANCE from your personal Spirit Team. 

As you learn to partner with your Guides, Angels, and Masters, you’ll release blocks and receive their all-powerful insights to help you heal, attract love, experience greater abundance, and more!

You’ve likely had times in your life when you’ve felt guided by an extraordinary presence from Above. Perhaps you’ve sensed an Angel’s comfort during a difficult period. Or, a Spirit Guide has helped you avoid an accident. You may have even received a message from an Ascended Master to empower you on your journey.

But, chances are those experiences have been few and far between. If you’re like most people, you only tend to get guidance in fleeting moments. And, even when you do try to connect, it’s often confusing. You may not be sure whether the insight is coming from a Guide, or if you’re imagining it.

You keep hearing that these powerful spiritual beings can help you in all areas of your life. Yet you’re frustrated because it’s not so easy to deeply connect with them.

Can you relate?

I’d rather look forward and dream, than look backward and regret.
~ James Van Praagh

About this program

Over 30 enlightening video training, you’ll:

  • Come to know who’s who on your personal Spirit Team.
  • Receive clear messages from your Spirit Guides
  • Sit in a conversation with your Guardian Angels.
  • Learn all about the Ascended Masters and how to call on them.
  • Get advice from the Archangels.
  • Have a conversation with your pet in Spirit
  • Receive psychic insights from your Angels
  • Learn to “see” your guides visually.
  • Receive your personal life lessons from your guides.
  • Be given specific affirmations from the angelic realm.
  • Learn how to become the master of your own life.
  • And much more!

Their love for you is entirely pure and unconditional; it never waivers. It’s their ultimate desire to advocate for, love, and support you

Here's a preview of your journey… Introduction: Your Journey of Ascension

Lesson 1: Connecting with Your Higher Self

Your higher self is the portal through which you ascend to the spirit realms. In order to develop a strong relationship with your spirit team, it’s crucial to clear your energy and connect with your intuition. In this enlightening lesson, you’ll:

  • Experience a groundbreaking process that allows you to quickly connect with your soul.
  • Clear the atmosphere and energy around you.
  • Release old hurts that have been keeping you stuck.
  • Let go of the limitations of your ego.
  • Begin your ascension to the higher realms.


Lesson 2: Connecting with Your Guides

Your Spirit Guides are always on standby, waiting to offer guidance, support, wisdom, and love. In this enlightening lesson, you’ll learn key techniques for connecting with them like never before. In particular, you’ll:

  • Learn about the many different types of guides.
  • Find out how to get the name of a guide.
  • Meet with your Master Guide and receive key insights.
  • Create your very own oracle cards to easily connect with your personal guides.
  • Actually “see” what your guides look like.

Lesson 3: Connecting with Your Angels

Your angels are always working to answer your prayers. With their all-powerful help, you can create miracles, healing, and peace in your life. In this magical lesson, you’ll:

  • Meet with your Guardian Angel.
  • Travel through time to meet with the angel who has been with you since birth.
  • Receive psychic insight from Archangel Michael.
  • Get advice from your angels and archangels in any situation.
  • Connect with your “Fur Angels” – any pets you have on the Other Side.
  • Receive your very own heavenly affirmation from your Angels.

Lesson 4: Connecting with Your Ascended Masters

The Ascended Masters are a group of spiritually enlightened beings who once lived as humans. Through their own hard work, they have cleared all their karma and have left the cycle of rebirth. In essence, they have achieved mastery. They’re now on standby, waiting to share their profound wisdom on all aspects of your spiritual and personal development. In this lesson, you’ll:

  • Learn all about the most important Ascended Masters.
  • Discover which Ascended Masters are around you.
  • Receive advice and insight from your Ascended Masters.
  • Spend a week with the Ascended Master of your choice.
  • Learn to partner with the Masters to take charge of your own destiny.


Trying to step onto your highest life path without the help of your Spirit Team is like taking a road trip without a map. Sooner rather than later, you end up lost and confused about which way is which. You may be taking action, but life doesn’t seem to move in the direction you want.

On the other hand…

When you truly know your Spirit Team, you never get lost. You can always reach out to them for advice, comfort and support. What’s so unique about this course is you’ll learn how to EASILY CONNECT to ALL the extraordinary beings that make up your personal team—your Guides, Guardian Angels, Archangels, and Ascended Masters.

Doesn’t that sound wonderful?! To have a team who is always there—cheering you on, no matter what?

With their loving guidance, your life will become more meaningful, miraculous and so much easier.

Shirley Maclaine

“James Van Praagh helps a lot of people. I think he’s on this earth right now at this time and place to heal. He’s the real thing.”

—Shirley MacLaine, Academy Award-Winning Actress

Gabby Berstein

“James Van Praagh helps you develop an understanding that we all have access to something higher within and beyond ourselves.”

Gabby Bernstein, #1 New York Times Best Selling Author

Jennifer Hewit

“James inspires us to look beyond what’s in front of us. With an open mind and heart, you can truly learn what his life and gift teach.”

—Jennifer Love Hewitt, Actress, and Producer of Ghost Whisperer

Mike Dooley

“James Van Praagh is the master at sharing insights and truths that comfort and inspire.”

—Mike Dooley, New York Times Best-selling Author

John Edwards

“James leads you on a journey that will make you question what you think you know about heaven and the afterlife.”

—John Edward, Author, and Host of Crossing Over

Joe Dispenza

“James does a brilliant job in demystifying our spiritual nature so that we can live more harmoniously with others and ourselves.”

—Dr. Joe Dispenza, New York Times best-selling author


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  • 30+ Training Online Videos
  • Downloadable Guides, Angels and Masters Course Book
  • Personal Spirit Team Journal
  • Access to Facebook/Meta Private Group
  • Easy Access - Desktop, Tablet and Phone
  • Lifetime Access

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Love and Light,

James XO

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