24 Hour Countdown + FREE Event Ticket!

Do you want to Connect with your Pet’s Spirit?


Spiritual Animal Friends LIVE

Course starts on November 7, 2023.

Animal Friends Banner

Do you ever wonder if animals have souls or if they go to heaven? Why does the bond with your pets feel so profound? 

Discover these answers and more with James Van Praagh’s Spiritual Animal Friends course. Gain essential skills in pet communication, healing and connecting with pets in the afterlife. Enhance your relationships with your pets, improve their health and happiness, and enrich your own life with greater empathy and intuition—even if you don’t pursue animal mediumship professionally.

About Your Teacher

James Van Praagh is considered a spiritual pioneer and one of the world’s most celebrated and respected spiritual teachers working today. During his 30 year career, his reputation and profession have seen him work with international heads of state, religious world leaders, and known entertainment celebrities including Cher, Goldie Hawn, Shirley Maclaine, Ellen DeGeneres, Joan Rivers, Katie Couric, Loretta Lynn, Chelsea Handler, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Wesley Snipes, and more. His work has brought spiritual insights to millions with his numerous guest appearances on such shows as Oprah, Dr. Phil, Larry King Live, The View, The Today Show, Chelsea Lately, and more. He is also the #1 New York Times best-selling author of Talking To Heaven, Healing Grief, Ghosts Among Us, Adventures of the Soul, and so many more.

Van Praagh has changed people’s lives… it’s impossible not to be moved.
~ Newsweek

A Special Message From James

Dear Fellow Animal Lover,

I’m so excited to have you here! I’ve had the vision for this course in my head and heart, for a very long time. Anyone who knows me will tell you that animals and my pets are a passion very close to my heart. My animal companions are my pride and joy!

I’ve always wanted to develop a course where I could share in one place the personal lessons and many gifts that come from that special bond between humans and our animal friends. But of course, this is a many-faceted topic and I wanted to be thorough.


That’s why I decided to cover and break the course down into the three essential areas of pet spirituality: Pet Communication, Pet Healing, and Animal Mediumship.

But I cannot do it all alone. That’s why I have the pleasure of recruiting the help of some of my most masterful friends and special guests who also provide extra expertise in this particular and specialized field.

As many of you know I believe our pets and animals are light-workers on this planet and I’m so honored and excited for you to join me and my friends on this deep soul journey …

This course is the ultimate training program to delve into animal spirituality. No matter where you are in your development, it will help you get to the next level. Animal spirituality is an important facet of a well-rounded medium and spiritual work and at least a basic understanding of these concepts is important.

Love and Light XO, James

Who Is This Course For?

The James Van Praagh Spiritual Animal Friends Workshop is for students from all walks of life and skill levels. It’s not just for people who want to be professional Pet Intuitive or Pet Psychics, but for anyone who wants to have a deeper understanding of their pets and connection as spirtual beings.

This includes:

  • Spiritual seekers who long to understand their connections with pets in a more meaningful way
  • Awakened souls who want to communicate with their pets
  • Evolved beings who feel called to learn how to recognize psychic telepathy and intuition related to pets.
  • You’ll learn how to communicate with your pets and become incredibly connected to understanding the multiple life/soul paths each animal has and how their ways play an intricate role in our lives.

What You Will Learn

Anyone who loves their animal companion knows firsthand how we learn and grow through this special relationship. In this course, find the humor, solace, inspiration, wisdom, and insight into the life lessons our pets teach us, exploring such themes as unconditional love, connecting with their spirit, and learning how to communicate with and understand our furry friends now and in the afterlife. 

Communicating With Your Pets

  • Learn how to get in touch with animals telepathically
  • Discover the levels of communication possible
  • Discover your blocks to communicating with animals
  • Learn how to quiet and focus your mind when being with animals
  • Learn the techniques James has personally used to communicate with his own pets and other animals
  • Learn how to experience animals’ perspectives and so much more

Discover Pet Healing

  • Learn tips on pet healing
  • Learn little-known techniques for reading and balancing Chakras on pets
  • Discover how the special relationship between pets and their people is quickly becoming recognized as one of the most powerful weapons in fighting disease, treating chronic conditions, and coping with troubling times
  • Hear miraculous healing stories of pets
  • Learn how to channel divine healing energy into healing your pet
  • Unleash the profound healing power of the human-animal connection
  • Fully understand the subtleties of working with animal and pet healing energy

Talking and Connecting to Pets in Heaven 

  • Learn how to recognize the signs that you have a natural ability to communicate with pets and animals that have passed on
  • Your pets in Heaven will come to help you transform any negative energy or emotions into pure joy
  • Learn the techniques James has personally used to communicate with his own pets’ in Heaven

Expert Guidance & Coaching:

  • Join James and a handful of knowledgeable friends and special guests as they explore different techniques, ideas, and concepts related to the themes of this course.

5 Special Master Teachers :

Danielle MacKinnon – Professional Animal Communicator
Danielle MacKinnon

All my life, I’ve been super sensitive with a strong connection to the animal kingdom. I remember telling my mother what each of my thirty-two caterpillars was thinking! I could also tell if someone was happy or angry, before I ever met them. No one seemed to understand that I wasn’t making it up and I struggled to make sense of it all until one fateful day in a gym parking lot.

Why don’t you take her to a pet psychic?
Ding ding ding! It was like a bell went off in my mind. I was standing in a parking lot crying on my friend’s shoulder. My beloved little dog had been laid up at the vet for four nights, and we didn’t know why.

When my friend suggested taking her to a pet psychic, it all clicked. That conversation, and the following incredible experience with the pet psychic, changed the trajectory of my life.

Before I started my animal communication business, I was a successful project manager at a Fortune 500 company. I’d find myself wondering, ‘Is this really it?” After that first reading with the animal communicator, I had my answer. I began connecting with animals as they told me whether they liked their food or bed. But soon enough, they started sharing more than I was prepared to learn.

Danielle MacKinnon
Samantha Khury Animal Communicator

As a pioneer and leading authority on interspecies communication for over 40 years, Samatha Khury has taught and lectured on this subject in the United States, Sweden, Germany, and other European countries, as well as setting up an apprenticeship program to certify animal communicators. She has been featured on numerous television shows such as Turning Point with Diane Sawyer, Sightings, P.M. Magazine, and Beyond Chance with Melissa Etheridge, The Regis Philbin Show, and The Phil Donohue Show. Her documentary, “I Talk to Animals, A Portrait of Samantha Khury,” has been shown on PBS and the BBC, bringing recognition to the field of animal communication globally.

Over the last 40 years, she has provided guidance and clarity to dog and horse trainers, veterinarians, breeders, zookeepers, psychotherapists, and thousands of people and their animal companions. Her clients are diverse in nature and have included: The San Diego Zoo, San Diego Zoo Safari Park (formerly the San Diego Wild Animal Park), New York Belmont Race Track, 1999 World Icelandic Horse Championship in Germany (Team USA for Michael Crichton), The Doberman dogs on the Magnum PI Show, and Diane Sawyer’s dog, George.

Michael and Raphaelle Tamura
Spiritual Teachers

Co-hosts of Living The Miracle with Michael and Raphaelle Tamura on the Voice America Network Empowerment Channel, Michael and Raphaelle have been a husband-and-wife team in everything for the past 33 years.

Michael J Tamura is the award-winning author of YOU ARE THE ANSWER: Discovering and Fulfilling Your Soul’s Purpose. He has been featured on NBC’s The Leeza Show, CNN, The New Rikki Lake, The Show, GaiaTV, The Aware Show, and Hay House Radio and is in the acclaimed film, PGS- Intuition is Your Personal Guidance System.

Raphaelle Tamura is Co-Founder and COO of Seraphim at Mt. Shasta, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Star of Peace Publishing, COO of Michael Tamura Seminars, and Founder of the Seraphim Store. A renowned clairvoyant, spiritual teacher, and healer. She is currently writing her first novel based on her extraordinary relationship with the same dog soul throughout its multiple incarnations.

Together, Michael and Raphaelle draw from years of intensive training, past-life recall, out-of-body sojourns, and 78 combined years of teaching and giving clairvoyant counsel to guide thousands to their awakening, healing, and true life purpose.

Tami Hendrix
Animal Communicator and Medium

Tami is an intuitive animal communicator, a compassionate medium, and a healer committed to helping relationships transform on every level. Her childhood experiences have helped her forge a deep, compassionate connection with all beings, allowing her to see the true essence of any soul or situation. This unique ability enables her to tune in and see the soul path of animals and how that intertwines with our own. 

Maintaining a private animal sanctuary, Tami has first-hand experience with many different animals and situations. Her style is conversational and natural, and you will have no doubt that she is connecting you with your pet. She has worked with James Van Praagh for many years in his Mediumship Development Circles. Her experiences with James have solidified her passion to help pets who have crossed over connect with their humans in a beautiful way that is peaceful and healing.

I’d rather look forward and dream, than look backward and regret.
~ James Van Praagh

Live Workshop Schedule

In four live, interactive workshops, James and Danielle will share their secrets to communicating with animals of all kinds. Let James and Danielle share their secrets to communicating with animals of all kinds, both on Earth and in the afterlife.

Live Workshop #1 Tuesday, November 7, 3-5pm Pacific

Get your questions ready! In your first 2-hour session James and Danielle will start off the course by answering your questions about the on-demand videos or anything animal-related, including:

  • What you can expect from the course material and live lessons
  • How to enhance your connection to your pet
  • Understanding your unique talent to “talk to the animals”
  • Of course, we’ll leave plenty of time for pet readings!

Live Workshop #2 Thursday, November 9, 3-5pm Pacific

Our pets are with us for far too short a time, but in Workshop #2, James and Danielle explain how your relationship with your animals extends beyond their physical existence. You’ll learn about:

  • Animal Soul-mates. Exploring the divine contract you have with your pets
  • What animals are here to teach you – and how to make the most of your time together
  • Animals in the afterlife. What is your pet doing in Heaven?
  • Healing from the loss of a pet
  • How your pets in Heaven introduce you to new animal friends

Live Workshop #3 Tuesday, November 14, 3-5pm Pacific

What is your animal friend trying to tell me? In this fascinating lesson, you’ll learn to tune into your pet, or any animal, to improve your connection and deepen your relationship. We’ll discuss:

  • How to interpret the signs your animal sends you
  • Animal telepathy; How to connect psychically with your pet
  • Reading the body language and tapping into the emotions of any animal you encounter
  • Using your gift to help others or launch a successful career as an animal communicator!

Live Workshop #4 Thursday November 16, 3-5pm Pacific

In our final session, James and Danielle will have a final Q&A, and take questions about your pets – including those who have crossed the rainbow bridge. See what these gifted animal intuitives have to say about your pet’s health, happiness, and state of mind! We’ll cover:

  • Course review and wrap-up
  • Pet readings (James and Danielle will connect psychically about your animal friends!)
  • Q & A and Next Steps to becoming certified as an animal communicator

Live Workshop Schedule

Live, interactive workshops, will be scheduled throughout the course. A new schedule will be available inside the student course materials.

On-Demand Video Lessons

Experience animals on a whole new level of depth and understanding, from the comfort of your home.  You’ll learn more about animal communication, pet healing, and pet mediumship (talking to your pets that have passed on). You’ll experience incredible animal communication stories, learn about how to communicate with your pets, as well as understand their behavior. You’ll learn tried and true animal communication techniques, and explore the profound spiritual truths and practical wisdom your furry and feathered companions share.

Intro: Welcome

In your first 2-hour session James and Danielle will talk about the on-demand videos or anything animal-related, including:

  • What you can expect from the course material and live lessons
  • How to enhance your connection to your pet
  • Understanding your unique talent to “talk to the animals”
  • Of course, we’ll leave plenty of time for pet readings!

Psychic Connection with Pets with James Van Praagh and Animal Communicator Samantha Khury

Do you ever wonder what your pets are thinking? Does your pet act strange or if they are trying to communicate with you? In this lesson, you’ll learn how to speak to your pet, and gain insight into how to send telepathic communication to animals. Gain a deeper understanding of your animal’s more profound purpose in your life, receive messages, meaning, and spiritual insights. 

The Healing Power of Pets, with James Van Praagh and Living The Miracle Radio Hosts and Spiritual Teachers Michael and Raphaelle Tamura 

In this lesson, delve into the power of pets in healing. Learn how pets come to heal us and fulfill their divine soul’s purpose. Our pets give us the greatest gift of unconditional LOVE, the highest form of divine energy. They radiate warmth, abundance, and the experience of the most loving best friend. Even modern medicine increasingly recognizes the special relationship between pets and people as one of the most powerful weapons in fighting disease, treating chronic conditions, and coping with troubling times. Explore this spiritual vantage point of these astonishing divine creatures and their impact on our health.

Paw Prints from Heaven with James Van Praagh and Animal Communicator & Medium Tami Hendrix

Do you feel the presence of your pet that has passed? As a pet owner, you already know that our pets live with us in our homes and our hearts. Their never-ending love and vibrant personalities make them our dearest companions. The loss of a beloved pet is so tragic. Learn about a pet’s soul, life in Heaven, and how they continue to be with us even after their deaths. As James and Tami deliver wisdom and pet communications from spirit, you’ll be inspired to live your life more powerfully. And, you’ll be deeply comforted to have evidence that your beloved pet companions are always with you — even after death.

Understanding Your Amazing Pet

  • Good Vibrations: Learn to better understand and communicate with your pet using your intuition – and theirs! Whether they’ve been with you all their lives or just recently became part of the family, Samantha’s techniques will help you get to the root of fear, anxiety, or anti-social behavior.
  • Who Rescued Who? Learn how to make your rescue feel safe and welcome in their new Forever Home, so they can become a happy, confident member of their new tribe.  
  • Helping Your Pet to Thrive: Emotional intelligence applies to pets too. James and Samantha will show you simple ways to “read your pet” so both of you can benefit. Learn special techniques for healing your pet by reading their energy, colors, auras, and more.
  • Animals are Amazing: Samantha shares stories from her amazing career as an Animal Communicator. Learn how your pet’s enhanced senses give them “superpowers.”
LESSON 5: Navigating the Loss of your Animal Friend
  • Gentle Passing: Our pets pack so much love and companionship into the few short years we have with them. When the time comes for them to leave this earth, it’s never easy to say goodbye. In this two-hour session, James and Samantha will share their secrets to helping your animal friends transition without fear, so they can cross over with the comforting knowledge that you will meet again!
  • Unconditional Love Never Dies: Life can seem bleak when you’ve lost your animal companion, but you can take comfort in the fact that your pet is still very much in your life. Samantha and James will share techniques to invite signs from your pet, so you can continue to feel their loving presence. You’ll even learn the basics of Animal Mediumship and discover the best way to introduce a new animal into your household.
  • Pet Messages from Heaven: In the final hour of this session, James Van Praagh will reach across the Rainbow Bridge to communicate with your beloved pets who have passed over.

LESSON 6: Animal Soul-Mates

Our pets are with us for far too short a time, but James and Danielle explain how your relationship with your animals extends beyond their physical existence. You’ll learn about:

  • Animal Soul-mates. Exploring the divine contract you have with your pets
  • What animals are here to teach you – and how to make the most of your time together
  • Animals in the afterlife. What is your pet doing in Heaven?
  • Healing from the loss of a pet
  • How your pets in Heaven introduce you to new animal friends

LESSON 7: Deepen Your Connection

What is your animal friend trying to tell me? In this fascinating lesson, you’ll learn to tune into your pet, or any animal, to improve your connection and deepen your relationship. We’ll discuss:

  • How to interpret the signs your animal sends you
  • Animal telepathy; How to connect psychically with your pet
  • Reading the body language and tapping into the emotions of any animal you encounter
  • Using your gift to help others or launch a successful career as an animal communicator!

LESSON 8: Q&A + Pet Readings (Recorded Session)

Register Now and Get These Amazing Bonuses!

Bonus: Predict Your Year Ahead: An 11 Part Video Experience (Valued at $249)

  • Understanding all six of your senses
  • Learning to utilize your intuition
  • Enhancing and understanding your aura
  • An activity, designed to assist you in experiencing the lesson in a practical way.
  • The Predict Your Year Worksheet
  • Journal instructions to help you keep track of your progress and document your experiences.
  • learning to connect with the spirit and guides
  • Interpreting signals from spirit

Bonus: Bringing Heaven Home

A rare chance to visit heaven and bring its sacred power into your life  (Valued at over $75)

  • You’ll receive several important messages your loved ones and Guides have been waiting to give you.
  • You’ll heal any rifts with your loved ones that have been weighing you down.
  • You’ll set a miracle in motion in your life.
  • Your Archangels and Spirit Guides will come to help you
  • Transform your emotions into pure joy.
  • Spirit will take you on a miraculous tour of a house in Heaven which is infused with powerful guidance to help you on your journey.
  • You’ll receive several important messages your loved ones and Guides have been waiting to give you.
  • And much more!
Shirley Maclaine

“James Van Praagh helps a lot of people. I think he’s on this earth right now at this time and place to heal. He’s the real thing.”

—Shirley MacLaine, Academy Award-Winning Actress

Gabby Berstein

“James Van Praagh helps you develop an understanding that we all have access to something higher within and beyond ourselves.”

Gabby Bernstein, #1 New York Times Best Selling Author

Jennifer Hewit

“James inspires us to look beyond what’s in front of us. With an open mind and heart, you can truly learn what his life and gift teach.”

—Jennifer Love Hewitt, Actress, and Producer of Ghost Whisperer

Mike Dooley

“James Van Praagh is the master at sharing insights and truths that comfort and inspire.”

—Mike Dooley, New York Times Best-selling Author

John Edwards

“James leads you on a journey that will make you question what you think you know about heaven and the afterlife.”

—John Edward, Author, and Host of Crossing Over

Joe Dispenza

“James does a brilliant job in demystifying our spiritual nature so that we can live more harmoniously with others and ourselves.”

—Dr. Joe Dispenza, New York Times best-selling author


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$ 396
  • 8 On-Demand Videos with James and his expert friends
  • Access to Facebook/Meta Private Group
  • Easy Access - Desktop, Tablet and Phone
  • Lifetime Access
  • Personalized Completion Certificate from James


Register Now and Save
$ 219 x 2 months
  • 8 On-Demand Videos with James and his expert friends
  • Access to Facebook/Meta Private Group
  • Easy Access - Desktop, Tablet and Phone
  • Lifetime Access
  • Personalized Completion Certificate from James


Register Now and Save
$ 396
  • 8 On-Demand Videos with James and his expert friends
  • Access to Facebook/Meta Private Group
  • Easy Access - Desktop, Tablet and Phone
  • Lifetime Access
  • Personalized Completion Certificate from James
  • Predict the Year Ahead - Full Course ($249)
  • Bringing Heaven Home ($75)


Register Now and Save
$ 219 x 2 months
  • 8 On-Demand Videos with James and his expert friends
  • Access to Facebook/Meta Private Group
  • Easy Access - Desktop, Tablet and Phone
  • Lifetime Access
  • Personalized Completion Certificate from James
  • Predict the Year Ahead - Full Course ($249)
  • Bringing Heaven Home ($75)

Registration is closed, this course will not be available again until 2024.

Interested in joining this course with James? Fill out the information to stay updated about the course launch. No commitment.


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Love and Light,

James XO

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