7 Day Energy Cleanse

Welcome to the 7-Day Energy Cleanse!

In this one-of-a-kind course, you’ll release what’s weighing you down so you can feel happy and whole again!

Each day you’ll receive a new video exercise to help you let go of negative energy and thought forms, cleanse your emotions, heal old hurts, and renew your spirit.

To achieve the maximum benefits of this cleanse, I highly recommend that you commit to doing your lesson each day. Just like you when you cleanse your body, the results are achieved by doing the exercises consistently for a set number of days. You can do the lessons any time that’s best for you.

Special note: If you ever have any difficulty accessing a lesson, please try logging out of your account and then logging back in.

Want some extra support? We’ve set up a closed Facebook group for the JVP School of Mystical Arts so you can have a private place to discuss any course you’re taking as well as talk about your personal and spiritual development with other students. It’s a blessed place for you to also share your experiences and make new friends.
Before you go to join, I want to share a few group rules. We’ve instituted these to help keep the space uplifting and respectful for everyone.

1. This group is NOT for customer service help. If you need ANY customer support or have problems with your account, you must fill out the form on the contact page. We have a wonderful support team standing by, and they’ll get back to you over email quickly.

2. Please be respectful and positive in your comments and posts. This is a space to spread love and support!

3. Do not post any energetic, psychic, or mediumistic insights you receive about anyone without their consent. Do not give any type of reading – no matter how short – unless they ask you or you receive their permission. You’re welcome to practice with one another but again consent must be given! (Doing readings without someone’s permission is an invasion of privacy – even if the reading is positive.)

4. Advertising and Spam posts are also not allowed.

Click here to request to join the group.

I can’t wait to hear about the results you get during this 7-Day Energy Cleanse!

Sending you love,

Not Enrolled / Not Logged In
This course is currently closed

Course Includes

  • 8 Lessons

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Love and Light,

James XO

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