Lesson 1 of 2
In Progress

How the Course Works

You can choose any day that is convenient for you to do this course.

This special course consists of several Mind Journey Immersions you will listen to at various intervals throughout your chosen day.

Each audio download contains a very special process to help you reunite with your loved one and receive insights into your soul’s journey. I’ll also be giving you enlightening assignments to do throughout your day to help you deepen that connection.


You will want to set aside this day for yourself. Clear your schedule of appointments and to-dos. Stay open and go where the day takes you.

Before your day, find a special “Meeting Place” where you will do most of your mind journey immersions and exercises. This is where you’ll meet with your loved one, so make sure it’s a place that resonates with your soul. If you choose a spot inside, make sure it has a window. Otherwise, find a beautiful spot in nature, ideally a garden.

I also recommend using the pages in the guidebook – or getting a special journal- to write down all the insights you have during this special day. You will never have this day again, so it’s important to create a travel diary you can look back on!

On the day you choose, follow the itinerary laid out below. There are 4 main audio Mind Journeys with exercises that follow – one set for the morning, one set for the afternoon, one set for the evening and one set for bedtime. If you have time in between — for example if you finish the morning Mind Journey and exercises before lunch — just spend that extra time in quiet enjoyment. Take a walk, meditate, do something to honor your loved one, etc.

Limited Time: Save $250 on Spiritual Healer Certification with HEAL250! Offer ends March 23rd.


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Love and Light,

James XO

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