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Afternoon Mind Journey: The Arrival

After lunch, please do The Arrival Mind Journey in your Meeting Place. With me guiding you further, you’ll take a journey through the stream of light and discover a sacred symbol, which will have a message for you. You’ll then meet soul-to-soul with your loved one and have a heart-felt conversation with him/her. Finally, you’ll visit the Fountain of Knowing where you’ll open up to the love of the angels and bring back any new awareness you need to have about your own life.


Energizing Your Symbol

As you journeyed in through the light porthole and brought yourself through to the higher dimensions of the other world, one of the first sights your attention was brought to, was a gold cup that was embossed with a unique symbol for you on its front. In this exercise, I would like you to close your eyes, bring yourself back to the rhythm of your breath and let your imagination place that symbol in the mirror of your mind. As you bring this symbol into your consciousness, go behind the symbol and begin to feel the meaning of it. You will begin to recognize and understand what your higher self is attempting to make you understand about the other aspects of your soul. What does this symbol represent to you? Explore its meaning in your own life. Remember that you are the caretaker of this beautiful, colorful light you recognize as the soul. As you explore higher consciousness, this symbol will become a major part in your development. This key opens you up to the unseen worlds and its insights. By utilizing this image, you will be able to have a clearer indication of meanings behind various situations you are experiencing in the human world.

You may also consider after becoming aware of this symbol with your inner-vision, attempt to draw it or color it onto a piece of paper. As you are doing this, you may receive “words” or phrases associated with your illustration. Write down key words for you to always associate with this symbol. When you are finished drawing, you may want to put it in a frame and have it around you, so that you will always be reminded of your soul’s expansive origin.

For the next week, as you are going through your various daily chores such as work, shopping, driving, etc.…ask your higher self to consciously influence your mind and bring your attention to this symbol, that you will be made aware of in many places right in front of you. Do not force this, just send out the intention and experience.

The Honoring

Take some time this afternoon to honor your loved one through an action. Do an activity that brought your loved one joy in the physical world.

Limited Time: Save $250 on Spiritual Healer Certification with HEAL250! Offer ends March 23rd.


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Love and Light,

James XO

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