A Day in the Spirit World

Dear Friends,

Welcome to A Day in the Spirit World, the groundbreaking online course with me, James Van Praagh! I’m so thrilled to have you taking this course.

This is the day you’ve wished for — your time to finally reunite with your loved one on the Other Side, to have that conversation you didn’t get to have in the physical realm, and to get messages to heal your soul.
All of your course files and exercises are located on this page.
Here’s a special Q&A conference call I held on A Day in the Spirit World. You may want to listen to this beforehand. I talk about what to do when you have a busy mind, how to surrender to what’s coming through, how to tell the difference between your imagination and messages, and much more.

Conference Call:

In addition, I’ve created a guidebook with all the exercises and space for you to write. This will allow you to keep a record of your day! I’ve also created Spirit Cards, which you need to print out ahead of time. You will use these cards during your evening immersion.

Download Guidebook

Download Spirit Cards

I hope you’re as excited about this special day as I am for you!


Open Registration

Course Includes

  • 2 Lessons
  • 5 Topics

Limited Time: Save $250 on Spiritual Healer Certification with HEAL250! Offer ends March 23rd.


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Love and Light,

James XO

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